Boost your Immunity
Updated: Apr 19, 2021
In the current pandemic, we have learned the importance of social distancing and frequently washing our hands to slow the rate of infection. These efforts have shown promising results with the curve flattening considerably and continuing to slow. While this is very encouraging, what would it mean for us in the long term, before a vaccine is made available? Are there other measures that we can take to reduce the effect of the virus if we do contract it?
It is important to know that your body has the ability to fight viruses and has been doing so all its life. There are steps you can take to ensure that your body's immune system stays functioning at its best to protect you from getting very sick if you do get the virus and help you in the recovery process.
Steps you can take to boost your immunity
Shift out of fear or survival mode:
In these uncertain times, a lot of people are living in fear and anxiety. The media is constantly updating us with the number of people who have sadly lost their lives and the scale of the economic downturn that is inevitable. A lot of people will die, we are told and a lot of people will lose their livelihoods. The effect this fear-based information has on your biology is significant. Your body goes into fight or flight response where your run, fight or hide instincts are switched on. The body's production of stress hormones go up and blood is directed to your extremities to ready you to take action. In this state, the body is ready to fight for survival, however, staying in this stress response mode for prolonged periods is detrimental to the body. Over time, it can go out of balance and now you are on track for a disease to start showing up. Your immunity is severely compromised.
What you can do to move out of fear and anxiety:
1. Limit news time:
Watch news only to update yourself with the current situation. Do not spend an extensive amount of time watching the news or hang on to every social media post regarding the virus. Do not dwell on death counts. Protect yourself and turn off the TV or get off that social media platform.
2. Exercise more:
Exercise is great for your body and for your mental health. If you can take a walk in nature or in your backyard. Be present at the moment as you walk, noticing the colors of nature around you, the sounds you are hearing, the feel of the earth under your feet or the breeze in your hair. Engage all your senses as you go for a walk. This will bring you into the present moment, which is always peaceful and safe.
3. Do breathing exercises:
Try slowly breathing into your belly over 6 seconds, then holding it for another 6 seconds, and then breathing out through your mouth for a count of 10 and feel the stress just draining away. Do this every time you find yourself down or thinking about the troubles in the world or when you start to feel fear creep in.
4. Meditate each day:
Meditation has shown to restore balance in your body. There are numerous meditations online. Go with the one that resonates with you. However, ensure that you follow this practice on a daily basis.
5. Start a Gratitude Journal:
Being grateful for the things in your life is a great way to feel happiness and elevate your emotional state.
Each evening writes down 5 - 10 things you were grateful for that day. It could be the nature around you, or something you could do or others did for you. Over time, this habit will have you looking for things to be grateful for as you go through the day and you will be looking for great things in all adversity. As Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches - the way you think and the way you feel creates your state of being. Think grateful and feel the love. Fear will no longer have a place in your being.
6. Serve Others:
Humankind is built to help others in need. We jump into burning buildings to save total strangers in a split second and feel the pain of others. We get the most satisfaction and feel elevated through an act of kindness. Do one act of kindness each day. It could be shopping for the elderly who live in your neighborhood, calling your mum and having an extra-long conversation, sending a care package to a friend to tell them you care or simply reaching out to someone on social media and letting them know that you are there if they ever need someone to talk to. Play with your kids more and really make the most of the time at your hand.
7. Look for Opportunities to Create:
These are strange times but one thing is certain, we are still very much connected by technology. It is a great time in history to be in a pandemic. In a lockdown, with the internet at your fingertips and so many great opportunities to learn, upskill or create.
Take up that course and set up your new website, do your garden, decorate your room, learn an instrument or a language. Turn this into the best time possible for you, for your growth and personal development.
8. Mindful Eating
We know that we do not have a cure for the new virus, however, there have been reports of hospitals using high doses of vitamin C with Zinc to treat patients. Vitamin C is known to boost your immune system, so you have the power to make simple changes in your eating habits, along with those with antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties to boost your immune system.
Below are some of these foods that you can easily add to your diet or increase in your daily consumption to give your body its natural ability to fight off the viruses and keep you safe:-
Immunity-Boosting Foods
1. Citrus
These include citrus fruits such as oranges, mandarin, tangelos and more. Incorporate these fruits into your daily eating habits such as your mid-morning snack or dessert.
2. Red Capsicum
It contains a high level of vitamin C, as well as beta carotenes, which is great for your skin and eyes. Capsicum makes a great part of a stir fry or simply slice and add into your salad.
3. Broccoli
Packed full of vitamins A, C, and E, as well as antioxidants and fiber, broccoli is a superfood. Cook as little as possible to retain its nutrient level. Steam or simply microwave and serve.
4. Garlic
Raw garlic has been traditionally used over centuries to fight viruses. Garlic’s immune-boosting properties seem to come from a heavy concentration of sulfur-containing compounds, such as allicin. Simply mince some garlic, tomato and mint or coriander with chillies and seasoning and use it as a chutney or a salad dressing.
5. Ginger
Ginger can help relieve inflammation such as a sore throat and reduce further inflammation in the body. Make ginger tea by boiling ginger in water and adding a dash of honey.
6. Tumeric
The active ingredient in Tumeric is curcumin, which gives the yellow color. Traditionally, turmeric has been used to heal inflammation and health ailments. Fresh is best, however, you can also use the dry powdered form which is readily available in supermarkets.
Increase your turmeric intake by making turmeric tea, or simply adding a slice of it in your green juice. A lot of curries also have turmeric as one of the ingredients.
7. Dark green leafy vegetables
These include spinach, kale, and silverbeet. Ensure you have your five-plus serves of vegetables and fruits daily and incorporate these dark green leafy vegetables. Leafy greens are packed full of vitamin C as well as beta carotenes and numerous antioxidants such as Vitamin E. Vitamin E is important in regulating and maintaining immune system function. Vitamin E is also found in sunflower seeds and avocado.
An easy way to ensure you take your leafy greens is to add them to your green juice.
A recipe for a simple green juice that will ensure you consume a number of these essential immune-boosting foods is to blend together spinach, kales leaves, a stalk of celery, some fresh Tumeric and fresh ginger. Add water or coconut water and blend together. Beetroot and cucumber can also be added.
8. Shellfish
Shellfish such as crabs are rich in zinc. Zinc is necessary for the proper functioning of your immune system. It is important to ensure that we do not exceed the daily dose requirement of zinc. For adult men, it’s 11 milligrams (mg), and for women, it’s 8 mg. Too much zinc can actually inhibit immune function.
Include crab, clams, lobster or mussels into your diet. Look out for the best ever crab curry recipe that will be shared on the site later this week.
8. Vitamin D
Having a low level of vitamin D can compromise your immune system. It may not be enough to sit in the sun to replenish, especially if you are already low in vitamin D. In winter months, especially when viruses tend to run rampant, it is better to add a Vitamin D supplement to your daily health routine.
9. Hydrate
Aim to drink at least 2L of water daily. It is easy to forget to drink enough water daily. Remember, if you did not drink enough water today, you cannot fix it tomorrow. The best way to remember is to make it a habit. When you get up, have a glass of water, another one just before breakfast, one at morning tea, another at lunch, another at afternoon tea, one at early evening early and one at dinner. Keep a drink bottle on your desk and remember to drink through the day.